Help Make a Difference in the Aplington-Parkersburg Community!!
Your monetary contribution will directly support local Aplington-Parkersburg high school students that are selected to receive an Aplington-Parkersburg Dollars for Scholars award.
Who may sponsor a Dollars for Scholars Award?
Anyone may donate, just choose an option below! Your contributions may be tax deductible (consult your tax advisor).
Option One: A donation of any amount to our general fund is added to other general funds to create multiple Dollars for Scholars scholarships.
Option Two: A scholarship can be given in your name, business, memorial, or organization with a $100 minimum contribution. You choose if it is designated for a senior or a post-graduate.
Option Three: An endowment can be established with a minimum donation of $2,500. The interest earned by endowment funds will be awarded each year (minimum of $100).
Thank you for considering a contribution to DFS. For more details, please contact any board member or email You can donate online directly to Aplington-Parkersburg Dollars for Scholars by clicking on the blue link below. All donations will go directly to our local Aplington-Parkersburg Dollars for Scholars chapter.
You can also mail donations in the form of a check to the following address:
Aplington-Parkersburg Dollars for Scholars
PO Box 670
Parkersburg, IA 50665-0670